Tec 7 Pur 7 Gun Grade Foam Plus Fire Rated 750ml

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€18.97 €15.42
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B1 Fire Retardant Foam that stops expanding on meeting resistance Tec7 Pur is a B1 classified fire retardant Gun Grade Expanding Foam that can be used for mounting. Tec7 Pur Stops expanding when it meets resistant so it will not displace window or doors frames and due to its low expansion rate of 20%, it is an excellent insulation foam. Tec7 Pur can be re-used, can be dispensed 360° and has a woprking temperature of -10° to +30°C. Fire retardant class B1. Very low expansion: max. 20%. Minimal swelling pressure. Fast curing:60 minutes. Permanently flexible. Can be used in freezing temperatures down to -10°C. Resistant to rotting. Can be precisely dosed. PUR Pro is a fire retardant class B1 PUR foam to be used with PUR Gun for assembly, filling, sealing, insulation, prevention of thermal bridges and soundproofing. PUR Pro adheres to most building materials and can be finished easily: painting, gluing, or plastering.