Fence Panels

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Fence Panels

Fence panels are an essential part of garden fencing. They provide privacy and security to your property while also enhancing the beauty and elegance of your outdoor space. At Brooksonline.ie, we supply a variety of fence panels to suit your unique taste, budget, and requirements.

Types of Fence Panels

We offer a wide collection of fence panels in Ireland, including traditional and modern styles. Our collection includes garden fence panels, picket fence, double-sided fence, and more.


The material used to make the fence panel is one of the critical factors to consider when selecting a fence panel. Our fence panels are made from durable materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions, rot and are long-lasting. We provide panels made from wood & composite materials.

Height & Length

Fences come in different heights and lengths. The right height and length of your fence depend on the intended purpose of the fence. We provide tall fence panels that can provide privacy and security to your property while also keeping animals out.


Our fence panels are easy to install and come with necessary posts. If you need professional installation, we can also provide you with a contact for a trusted professional.


We understand that maintaining your fence is essential, and different fence panels require different levels of maintenance. Our fence panels vary some need maintenance others are maintenance free.


We provide a variety of fence panels that are available at different price ranges, ensuring that you can find the perfect fence for your budget.


Brooksonline.ie is your go-to supplier for high-quality and durable fence panels in Ireland. We provide a variety of fence panels that will suit your taste and budget, add value and privacy to your property while enhancing the beauty of your outdoor space. Browse our collection, view our range of sizes and styles, and sort by factors such as material, height, length, and view our collection today. If you need any assistance or advice, please contact us. We are here to help you every step of the way!